Setting up a new alarm uses a UI essentially identical to that on an iPhone. Strangely, alarms in this section aren't draggable to new times, even though they totally look like something you should be able to tap and drag around. The bottom two-thirds shows a weekly viewer that will display any alarms you've set up. The Alarm section of the app has a basic viewer at the top showing the time of any selected alarm. Tapping on any of the clocks brings up a truly enormous, fullscreen clock like the one in this post's main image. The design is rather evocative of old 1960s world clock designs, and basic weather info shows on the map for each city you add. World Clock is probably my favorite interface in this app and the only part of it that seems up to Apple's usual design ethos. The basic functions are the same: World Clock, Alarm, Stopwatch and Timer. If you're familiar with the Clock app on the iPhone, you'll find few surprises here. The new built-in Clock app on the iPad satisfies only the most basic of user needs, and the user interface is such a weird hodgepodge of design elements that it almost feels like someone issued this as a challenge to an intern: "Here, go make a Clock app for the iPad. Does this mean the App Store's glut of third-party alarm clock apps has been Sherlocked now? Should developers of such apps start shaking in their shoes over Apple's offering?
In iOS 6, that strange exclusion ends, as the iPad now has its very own Clock app. After all, the iPhone has had one from the day it launched I don't know about you, but the iPhone's alarm is what wakes me up every weekday morning.
The fact that the iPad never had its own built-in Clock app always seemed like a curious omission.